Garden Healing Church

Grateful for Healing in Nature – for all of us mind control subjects

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Healing during a Pandemic

I’m not convinced this pandemic is actually caused by a virus.  This NYC doctor relates information that questions the assertion by governments all over the world:

And my personal experience as a mind control subject and now a targeted individual suggests that governments lie to manipulate and control, and look at us:  isolated in our homes – most of us.

Not me.

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I’m sitting in Nature as often as I can, a nomad now, traveling from low desert in the winter to high mountains in the summer – all within Arizona!  (I think my total mileage this year will be less than 5,000 miles.)  I’m visiting a FEW friends who also doubt The Story, missing many other friends, missing visiting even family.

I have Morgellon’s Disease now – which worries me a bit more than this prescribed panic/pandemic.  Even though I almost never visit doctors, this year I’ve been prompted to visit quite a few in search of a blood test – and NONE want to help me!

Morgellon’s Disease seems to be Lyme Disease with complications – or nano tech, we assume, added by the scientists involved in biowarfare.  I have photos of all sorts of strange items I’ve found growing out of my skin on my YouTube channel, ParadigmSalonVideo;; and Facebook page, MK & TI Awareness and Support.

Of course, I don’t want to take any pharmaceuticals for this – but NONE has been offered to me.  And all my attempts to get a blood test for the spirochetes that are at the center of the disease – spirochetes related to syphilis and called “extremely stubborn.”  They continue to spread all over my body.

I was treating this externally first, since it presents as a skin condition, but after a month or so, I was feeling worse and developing new symptoms:  palsy in my hands, brain fog, and worsening heart issues, so I backed off.  Soon I read that the disease can be forced to go internally and affect the heart, nervous system, and brain, so I quit all external applications and turned to internal anti-microbials:  garlic, ginger, vinegar, Vitamin C, etc., and I quit all sugar.  No maple syrup in coffee.  No wine at night.  No chocolate (except for tiny “cheats”).  All my food is fresh and local or organic, prepared by me.

I have no idea whether I’ll heal myself.  After all, this disease is “stubborn,” and doctors are busy with other things now, and I don’t trust them anyway.  And if I did cure this, or find a way to successfully keep it in check, I’m still a mind control subject, which I don’t believe I’ll ever heal, and this is a really shitty thing to live with.

So I’m just biding my time here on planet Earth, waiting for my spiritual Helpers to give me guidance, which lately has been:  Just observe.  And so I am.

I’ve told everyone I know:  Do not take me to a doctor or hospital under any circumstances.  If I die of this, so be it.   I’ve had a good life, sort of.

I’m going on 68 this summer.  I’ve accomplished things that have helped others.  I’m content.


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Healing Crisis, Resolution, New Crisis

Hi Everybody,

I’ve been neglectful of this site, but I’ve been attending very carefully to my healing.

truck crash croppedThis past year and a half, I’ve been healing from a highway crash that left me with a whiplash, concussion, totaled car, totaled trailer home, and all my possessions thrown in chaos into storage.

I believe I have excellent evidence that my crash was remote controlled, as I’ve video-blogged about here (a nighttime ramble).

Eleven months after the crash, I felt the last (so far) of a series of interesting events when old disrupted connections were remade and I felt some important parts of my brain “click on” again.  Since then, I’ve felt pretty much myself, though I do still notice changes:  it’s more difficult and less enjoyable now to read, for instance.  And I don’t feel quite as mentally “fast” as I used to be.  Oh well.  Speed isn’t everything.

The biggest goal of my past 12 months was to sleep as much as I could, to which end, I made it a habit to turn off all screens and say good-bye to friends by 6 pm, so that I could begin to calm my mind for sleep.  I might take a shower or groom my feet with warm water – any sort of relaxing, nurturing activity.  I keep the lights off except for a “Huglight” I wear around my neck.  This cues my brain that’s is getting near time to sleep.  On good days, I easy fall asleep by 8 pm.  I also use medical cannabis.

Because sleep is such an important healer, I recommend these tips to others:  No screen time after 6 pm.  Lights low, very low, after 6 pm.  Do all the nice things for yourself in the evening.  Play gentle music.  (I found an app “Relax Melodies” with a cat purr, night sounds, native flute, a river, lots more.)

When I can’t sleep, I ask myself if my spirit helpers are trying to communicate with me, and I listen.

My health has stabilized now, and I’m getting involved with activist work for mind control subjects and targeted individuals.  Recently, I traveled to Washington DC with a few colleagues, to talk to Congresspeople and their aids, asking Congress to investigate the Targeted Individual program.


Midge Matthis, Richard Lighthouse, Susan Olsen, and me in the Capitol.

I am still harassed with electronic weapons multiple times a month.

Most shocking:  I discovered implants inside my ears – not the little indiscrete chips that I’d imagined, but fairly big, complex, old-looking technology – in both ear canals.  There are a few short videos before this one too.

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I sound scared in this video.  That was my immediate response, but I’m better now.

I has been shocking to find this stuff in my ears –
and even more shocking to have doctors tell me “nothing’s there” –
and then to have them suggest mental health services!

I’ve been having a hard time, resisting the disabling programming, but I’m doing fairly well nevertheless.

New methods of resistance:
Remember to lie on the Earth, especially now that it’s warm outside.
Take showers (or baths), as water interferes with electronic attacks.
Use music to interfere with electronic attacks.
Look away and get away from the screen when lethargy sets in.
Dance, exercise, sing, chant, howl to ground and interfere with electronics.
Go outside for more walks, communicating with Nature, and good neighbors.

Back to the Garden for healing.

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FREE Sacred Plant Webinar

Hello Friends,

cannabis_the_future_of_medicinePlease join me in listening to this free webinar about the healing potentials of this sacred plant – which should be easily available to us all:

  • one presentation each day for seven days, with each presentation available for 24 hours.

I’ve participated in this sort of educational experience many times in the last years, and find this a very generous offering – always TOP-quality researchers and presenters, which I can attend for free, on my schedule, even while doing other things.

I hope you enjoy this as well.  And please share your thoughts about it in comments below.

I’ll be listening – I hope and assume – from a forest location….  Talk with you soon.

Love and healing to us all ~



Excellent New Documentary on Medical Benefits of Cannabish

Research proving the importance of this plant medicine:

Cannabis movie

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Energy Correction in a Fence Addition!

A good fence can turn a noisy, bright, busy, constantly changing place into a lovely, healing sanctuary.

(A more design-and-construction oriented version of this is posted on my Home and Garden Inspiration website.)

This is the view we shielded ourselves from, close neighbors and Market Street traffic:

5 stiles neigh view

(Harvesting wood in the forest would have been more ecological and saved money, and we seriously considered it, but this fence matches the existing fence, was much easier and quicker to build, and is more private than a rougher-material construction could ever be.  In this neighborhood, it seemed the right choice.)

1 posts wide

Greg’s construction skills and my mathematics came together to cast a perfect quarter-circle for our corner.

7 corner curve drawn

The circle is drawn with chalk, then cut.

8 corner curve cut

A few hours of easy work later – we were done!

9 corner fin med

I have an affinity for the humble globe mallow, so we worked around this frail plant for three days!  I’m so glad we did.  It was in bloom, and they say that faeries especially detest the rudeness of making them move during flowering time.  And since I began to respect that possibility, my garden has been happier and I feel even more loved and supported by it.  So I took the job of digging that hole, right up to the edge of the plant, we were careful in our tasks near it, and it survived and now adds beauty!

Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy, I had to do something different with the gravel, so I sorted out the whitest ones and scattered them in a rough arc around the large stones, then finished the section of earth with the mix which blends nicely with the neighbors’ gray gravel.

12 corner rocks cu

Inside, we pruned the drought-hardy shrubs and two desert willows (one pink, one purple, the second an odd volunteer) and braced them to stand more upright, as they’d both been flagged hard by the winds.  With the surrounding fence, they’re beautiful corner trees!  (They were hardly noticeable before, as you can see in photo 2 above.)

13 willows

Here’s the finished design in context:  two matching curved corners, enclosing a driveway – which we think might become a new garden instead!  – in which case, we’ll add ten more feet of fence and a gate.  Not daunting at all!

10 fence fin med

Do you need a fence?

Don’t let mundane things delay you.  I wish I’d built both fences years ago.  They have made all the difference in our experience of this house!  The energy of the yard is indescribably sweeter!  It’s the like difference between how you feel in a parking lot or on a street versus how you feel in a park.  The energy change is powerful!